Saturday, December 16, 2023

Our very special Scary Xmas issue is available for FREE! -

     Many of who are missing Halloween right now crave a darker version of the Yuletide season. Christmas actually has a very defined and lengthy history of spooky stuff! 

     Ghost stories (think "A Christmas Carol"), odd creatures (Krampus, the Mari Llywd among them) and so many more unusual cultural icons that are celebrated around the world are part of the darker aspect of the season.

 *** And, of course, this colorful issue is full of so many of the amazing holiday artists you love as well, including Mandy Palumbo, Audrey Swarz, Nicole Johnson, Ethan Black, and more. 

     There's also an informative article about the origins of Wassail by John Davis, and Kristen Stafford's in-depth telling of her experience attending an actual elf school in Iceland.   

     This online digital issue is FREE to download! 

Presented in a very stunning flip-book format, and viewable on any electronic device (phone, computer, tablet). Simply click the link below for your very own copy.

Wishing everyone the brightest and best of the Holiday season!








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